Contact GlobalBanks

Thank you for your interest in GlobalBanks. Please use the contact information below that best meets your request to get in touch with our team:

Customer Support

Prospective Customers

Press Inquiries

Banker Interest

Contact Form


Official Social Media

Customer Support

For any customer support-related questions, you can contact our general email address or your dedicated account manager to receive direct support. Alternatively, please feel free to use the following contacts:



Phone: +1 (833) 779 3929

If you are looking for Customer Service Terms of Use and Purchase please click here.

Prospective Customers

If you are a prospective customer with questions about GlobalBanks (or a specific product or service) before joining, please use the following contact information:


Phone: +1 (833) 779 3929

Press Inquiries

For press inquiries, please use the following contact and include “PRESS” at the beginning of your subject line:

Press contact:

Banker Interest

If you are interested in having your bank listed as an option for our members, please use the following contact information. Please note we do not accept any payment from banks so there is no cost associated with being in the GlobalBanks Database.

Banker contact:

Contact Form

If you prefer to submit your question via our website, please use the following contact form and specify your reason for contacting us in the subject line.


800 3rd Ave. New York, NY 10022
+1 (833) 779 3929

Official Social Media

GlobalBanks on Youtube

GlobalBanks on Facebook

GlobalBanks on Linkedin

GlobalBanks on Twitter/X

GlobalBanks on Instagram

GlobalBanks on TikTok

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